But is CHEAP! So hu cares...
and is HQ man ~ XD hahaha~
Good deal huh ~ =D
Well anyway ~ bac to the main point ~
Juz finished watching Hachi ~
OMFG!!! i cant tell how epic is this story ! ><
Dogs dunno how to tok....DUH! XD
but u can feel the sadness..
by watching the dog's expression ~
so i shall call this ~
Silence sadness ~ <3
Is so damn epic ~ u juz cry Automatically!!!
Without any words coming out from their mouths ~
this is wat we call...WATCHing movie ~
LoL!!!! Get me? Juz watch and see ~ without sound...
Hahahahaa ! Ok fine if u dun get me >.<
Well, i cried all the way since the movie started...
coz i noe it will be sad, and it reminds me of my dog...
jeez ~ How is he now? ''space out''
Bac to the Movie...
I cried DAMN LOUD!
and i almost die !
And i think about the environment while watching this damn movie =X
I used my TOWEL! instead of tissue ! XD hahahaha!
am i smart ! XD
Ohhh ~ and u noe all those couples, they go in to the cinema ~
and the girl like to lean on the guy's shoulder...
bcoz of romantic or for fun or the movie juz said so... XD
Well...i dun think tats a good idea to do if the movie really makes u cry alot =X
Lol !
i was leaning on my pillow...and i woke up ~
half of my face was dry ~ and the another side of my face + my pillow were damn wet~ ! =X
Lol ! thats y i dun think is a good idea to do tat...
i dun wan my partner to be freezing in the cinema...
u get me ~? Hahahaha~ the air con + my tears (water) = Colder XD hahaha!
Ok fine if u dun get it =.=
Ohhh! and im glad , at the graduation day...
we didnt watch this !
omg ! i will be humiliated =X
coz i cried damn loud...and i dun think i brought enuf tissue[not good for the environment XD]
and ! i looked like im dying =.=
my frens will LOL if they see me like tat...
thank god im at home XD hahaha~
my eyes juz went watery when they show this part...
den suddenly a new scene tat the owner came out from the train station...
Tat means is his memories...and his last thought... >.<
den i hug my pillow as hard as i can...
coz i noe......his dead >.<
After the owner died...
he is still waiting for his owner outside of the station...
his daughter is taking care of him...but he still misses his real owner...
so no matter how's the weather...he is still waiting...
So the daughter juz let him go...
So...[Y is there so many So''] -.-
After tat ~ hachi has been wandering ard for 10 years..near the train station,
for the day his owner comes back... [AWWWW!!!]
he sleeps at a corner near the train station too...
he hears/sees a train coming...he immediately go to his Spot''
Every single time...
day by day...season by season...Year by year...
Everyone know Hachi ~ The dog tat is damn loyalty to his owner...
almost at the end of the movie...
ppl in the town even donate money to the train station's staff to buy food for Hachi ~
without ppl taking care and not having a warmer place to live...
he is getting dirtier and dirtier...
colder and colder...
weaker and weaker...
until the day he die...
he is still waiting at the train station ~ T.T
This story is damn epic !!
the more epic part is...this is a real life story >.<
at the end of the movie...
they showed the Real hachi...
OMFG !!! i feel so sorry for hachi tat his owner pass away...
so pitiful ~ >.<
Hachikō (ハチ公 , November 10, 1923–March 8, 1935), known in Japanese as chūken Hachikō (忠犬ハチ公 , "faithful dog Hachikō" ('hachi' meaning 'eight', a number referring to the dog's birth order in the litter, and 'kō,' meaning prince or duke), was an Akita dog born on a farm near the city of Odate, Akita Prefecture remembered for his loyalty to his owner, even many years after his owner's death. [Thx to Wikipedia]
The real Hachi ~ he waited 9 years for his owner...
Real story...waited at the same place...No matter how is the weather...
hunger...tiredness...cold...But Still, waiting there ~ 9 damn years ! >.<
Haaaa ! so epic !
in japan ~ There's a bronze statue of Hachi at shibuya station...
I tell ya ! if i get a chance to go to Japan...
and if i see tat bronze statue of Hachi...
I will cry in front of it >.<
Feel so sorry for him ~ T.T
Never Look Down a Dog's Loyalty to it's Owner!!!
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